The benefits of waxing

Who wouldn’t like to have a shower without always having to shave, smelling of hair removing cream and praying no ones walks through the door while your doing your upper lip!

Waxing is far better option for longer results than shaving or using hair removing cream as it removes the hair from the root. Over time the hair will grow back softer because the hair folicle is weaker. Shaving cuts off the hair making it blunt, this is why it feels rough and stubbly. Waxing can also get rid of the shadow you get when you shave which can make you feel self concious, especially if its on the face.

Waxing isn’t just for women, this has become more popular for men too. Whether your waxing for sport, self concious about tufts of hair or just wanting to be smooth this is a great option.

All in the comfort of your own surroundings.